Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Support Pontiac feuerwehrmaenner

January 12, 2008

First job a government is to protect health and die security of its inhabitants. But in Pontiac, die want here voters of the politicians, for of of request 08-5, which eliminates to approve die minimum manning requirement for feuerwehrmaenner and loose will became, all workers rescue EMS of the city (”Pontiac should select for die fair financing; Enclosed personnel strengths for fire abbott other services at the danger, “January put. 9).

Politicians should not balance their budgets on the backs local of the feuerwehrmaenner and EMS rescue worker, whose exclusive task are Pontiac families to protect.

Fire-brigade of the Pontiacs is of the beschaeftigtsten in nation and according to August the 2007 expenditure of Firehousezeitschrift We, touched 9,550 urgencies in alone 2007; die is more than 26 urgencies one day.

This dangerous request would mean that longer periods of reply Pontiac citizen should to have itself to ensure not around whether feuerwehrmaenner and of EMS reacts rescue worker to a way within the prescribed period, if they call 911 must.

Request 08-5 would have also a devastating effect on combat economy of the Pontiacs. Since we are sharply conscious in Pontiac, unemployment is high, drops principal values, and taxes go above. If this request exceeds, our property values drive fort to sink and let it harder business and jobs to Pontiac tighten. Nobody would like to live or do business in an uncertain city or one, where the Gehaeuse fights market.

I urge Pontiac voters not to not select on request 08-5 on the Tuesday which is for less public security, die to lower principal values and to politicians, ask us of paying and fewer services of receiving to from of more taxes to Say.

Rick Luxon

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