Wednesday, May 7, 2008

JUICE and Business articles present first connection victims

As the first announcement over the successful step of the integration two of the companies, JUICE AG (NYSE: JUICE) and Business turns S.A. (NASDAQ: BOBJ) (eurocNext Paris: ISIN code FR0004026250 - BOB) today uncovered nine connection product packages, existing this month, which is sold by the global crews of sales of both organizations. These packages were chosen, in order to address die most general challenges, die business users of the C-Suite on main facing are street, the include: Production more better business view, company achievement and guaranteeing guidelines political of observance of the management improving. These packages permit companies to approve solutions JUICE and Business from the articles into single to attach and handle IT investment to negotiation.

Companies detail these new product packages in connection with the announcement todays, which die confirms the following step in the successful acquisition of the juice of Business, objects (see press release called “JUICE and Business articles combine too Lead to emerging Market for Business achievement optimization.”) With one broad, JUICE and Business articles embark themselves agency of support of the shareholders and of business the partners now on road map, in order to extend it wide lead in market from software for business users in guidance in emerging market for business achievement optimization.

“Our combined output software packages make new customer possible to experience, that business the value through die thousands of the customers, die uses of the JUICE and Business article solution briefcases running,” said L?Apotheker successfully won, delegate CEO and president the customer solutions and the enterprises, JUICE. “these output victims underline die already strong synergies in our product and in sales the organizations and suggest before, gets how quickly we our two companies, together., die We fully intend to establish after these victims and our customers with the inventive to provided, come market prominent solutions they’ve to expect a sight divided by the JUICE and Business articles United by to convert over way die world work, by attaching people, information and business, are this die first demonstration of, like we THEM our the customers investments protect and extended, when helping them to more further to optimize business achievement.”

Software packages JUICE and Business of the articles supply immediate use at customers of all sizes

Die nine new software “packed” combine solutions JUICE and Business by the articles in the groupings, die sketched are, in order to help customers whet-stone inside and to address particular business challenges. E.G. the new financial Leistungsueberwachung (FPM) package gives to help business main leaders die tools they necessity to make sure that everyday life execution illustrates to entire strategy and the goals business companys. The FPM package authorized also business users, over their company achievement to help to exceed Die output packages fallen into three categories: Achievement optimization applications, business intelligence platform abilities and packages specifically for small and midsize market.

Kw_business users provide achievement optimization applications with the komplettesten solutions of the industry for improving the enterprise result and guaranteeing of responsibility. In addition die applications authorize employees over organization with the tools and the view, around per-actively Ausgangstwo of packages for achievement optimization, Die to their organizations success to contribute, are below described.

— financial Leistungsueberwachung (FPM) package - a successive Suite of applications puts at the disposal, die CFOs and more other business to leaders to increase their of the societies financial achievement builds on and functional efficiency This package business users helps to align daily execution with entire strategy business their companys by it that user friendly Kw_planning, which makes a planning, compression and profitability available analysis solutions.

— regierungsgewalt, danger and observance (GRC) package - main leaders and line business of the employees gives die tools and die solutions, in order to weaken dangers and to confirm observance the management politics. GRC solutions supply functional transparency and evidence that business within the ethical standards and the regulating authority one leads.

Die JUICE and Business articles business intelligence platform gives a scalable infrastructure, die exact, view within the prescribed period and suable to customers supplies Die business intelligence platform also supplies entrance to the data of any kind and is agnostisch to underlying business applications and to the data memories. Packages within business intelligence platform include:

— sichtbarmachung and report package - view increases into business as die simplification of the entrance to all possible data sources for all users with interacting, simply — use to report and to the instrument panels. Makes possible employee to create and distributes obviously amazing of report within the Microsoft Office.

— enterprise question, report and analysis package - This an extension is package to the sichtbarmachung and report, which authorizes business users with efficient interacting tools to gain quick business the view. Reliable and united business view the climates of the users preferential by all operational data in at the disposal, die mobile puts, widgets or search to box including is.

— data integrations and data quality management package - enterprise category data integration abilities supplies, die and clean data of the JUICE and NichtSaftquellen handles.

— collecting main data maintain package - makes possible to combine business, harmonized and handhas central critical business data. To help obligingly/pleasingly with the industrial data standards to to guarantee simple Datensynchrounisierung over global supplying supply chainsupplying chains.

In addition determined for price three packages were particularly implemented for small and midsize enterprises (SMEs), packed and. These packages supply die complete, simplified business optimization applications and die business intelligence platform abilities, die easily existing customers to die IT to infrastructure with to be integrated Die packages for SMEs include:

— JUICE Business universe — also in the BusinessObjects an edge Standard package - combine, which die robusteste business process platform specifically sketched for the middle to the Kw_upperende of the middle market, if kompletteste BI offers markets for SMEs. It is existing this month of the JUICE and Business the articles catches organization and guidance partner.

— crystal report. Operator package - for the first time, die juice guidance in a the position, crystal Report operator is, to make available a complete reporting solution for small and medium sized business, directly to its attaches the base, which offers its customer the use and die simplicity of working on with single IT a salesman.

— BusinessObjects edge Series package - die Business article guidance sets more offer die BusinessObjects edge of Series to to his SME customer fort. Die BusinessObjects edge of Series includes now die integration for JUICE solutions, giving midsize increased report and analysis of the JUICE customer abilities.


All packages are existing newer this month. For more details over die packages, the please visit and


JUICE is addressing the prominent servicer worlds from business software *. Today, more as 43,400 customers into more than 120 countries run applications of juices — from the clear solutions die necessities small for the business and midsize companies to the Suiteopfern for global organizations. Propelled by die technology platform of the JUICE NetWeaver. to drive innovation and you make possible, business increase for change, juice often commodity assistance enterprises of all sizes by die world improve customer of conditions you partner co-operation and create efficiencies over their supplying material chains and business enterprises. Juice solution briefcases support die singular business process of more than 25 industries, of including high Tech, from einzelverkauf, from financial services, of healthcare and from public sector. With subsidiaries in more than 50 countries, company on several Austaeu and including Frankfurt is registered stock the exchange and NYSE more under the symbol “JUICE.” (additional information on

(*) JUICE defines business software, as, enterprise aids the Kw_planning and die applications in connection such as supplying supply chainsupplying chain management, customer relationship management, product life cycle management and supplier relationship management contained.

Over Business articles

Business articles a pioneer was business intelligence (BI) in since die dawn of the category, die Today is, as die prominent company until often commodity worlds, Business articles converts way die world work by intelligent information Die company assistance exposes the Kw_understanding and adoption of resolutions at more than 45,000 organizations around the globe. Are based by combination the inventive technology, global advising and education services and the strongest and most diverse partner net of the industry, made possible Business articles companies of all sizes to make die transformative business decisions die on the intelligent, exact and information within the prescribed period.

Business have articles double head offices in San Jose, in Calif. and in Paris, France. Kw_stock companys on Nasdaq (BOBJ) and that the eurocNext Paris one acts (ISIN: FR0004026250 - BOB) stock exchanges. More information over Business articles can be found on

All possible statements, die in this to be contained, document, die historical facts forward looking statements are not, how in United States law case improvement defines Private collateral Act from 1995. Words as “take,” “believe,” “estimation,” “expect in front,” “prognosticated,” “intend,” “may,” “plan,” “project,” “forecast,” “” and “will you” and similar expressions, how they to JUICE refer, are such forwardlooking statements to mark. JUICE is not received commitment to update or improve all possible forwardlooking statements publicly. All forwardlooking statements are subject to the different dangers and uncertainties, die cause actual results to more differ materially by expectations could Die factors, die future of the juice affect could financial results, become fully in archivings of the juice with United States shares and the Exchange commission (”sec.”) discussed and including newest annual Report the juice on form the 20-F arranged with the sec.. Readers are not warned place to the excessive confidence on these forwardlooking statements, die speak only starting from their data.

This press release contains the forward looking of the statements regarding is the usefulness that of the societies common product victim, the details of the common product victims and the anticipated use of these victims to the customers, and Business turned ability to protect in order investments the customers and to continue renew and support existing product briefcases. Actual cases or results may more differ materially of those, which is described in this, release due to a number of dangers and uncertainties. These potential dangers and uncertainties include, under other dangers standing integration in connection, customer and Partnerdie concerning uncertainty are the anticipated use of the negotiation, die customer discontent with the common product victims, die disturbance, key Business article employees too kept, die disturbance of the JUICE and die Business articles, die anticipated synergies the acquisition and other dangers to obtain, die in archivings sec. Business of the articles, who were discussed including those in the quarterly report Business the articles on form 10-Q for the quarter were exactly described, terminated September 30, 2007, that on document with the sec. are present and at the web site of the sec. at Business the articles is not forced, in order to update these forwardlooking statements, around cases or circumstances to that date to reflect of this the document.

Kw_Business trade mark, BusinessObjects, crystal report, crystal decisions, objects intelligent question and Xcelsius are registered registered trade marks, or registered registered trade marks Business of the articles into United States and/or other countries. All other names mentioned herein may are registered registered trade marks of their respective owners.

Copyright. JUICE 2008 AG. All rights reserve.

JUICE, R/3, mySAP,, xApps, xApp, JUICE NetWeaver and other juice products and services herein mentions, since well as their respective trade marks registered registered trade marks or registered registered trade marks of JUICE are AG in Germany and in several the other countries of everything more over world. All mentioned more other product and service names are die registered registered trade marks of their respective companies Die data, die in this to be contained, document serve, which die informing may purposes only National product specifications to change.

Additional information

This press release is only for the informing purposes and is more offer too buy or to marketing more offer to sell none Business article shares Die complete conditions United States more offer will in United States more Offer fixed to be bought over and be arranged die related documents, die with United States the shares and the Exchange commission (die “sec.”) from SAP France on schedule TO and the recommendation Business articles board the directors with respect United States more offer to become in solicitation/recommendation the statement is specified, die with the sec. through Business articles to schedule 14D-9 arranged, as changed Die complete conditions of the French more offer to become in Note d’Information and Note EN R?nse arranged by SAP France and Business articles with the French stock exchange authorization (march?financier Autorit?es, “AMF”) fixed, die on the web site of the AMF (www.amf are present and and/or JUICE France ( and Business articles (, and may are you reached free of charge and/or of JUICE France SA and German Bank AG, and Business objects.

Business article shareholders and other investors should carefully read all tender offer materials and including United States more Offer to buy over and all documents in connection arranged by SAP AG and SAP France on the schedule TOO, the schedule 14D-9 and referred changes geeinordnet through Business articles than well than the Note d’Information and the Note EN R?nse arranged of SAP France and Business articles, because these documents are geeinordnet contain important information, die conditions of the assumption offers Business article shareholders and other investors including obtain copies of the tender offer materials to preserve and all possible the other documents, die with the AMF by the web site of the AMFs (www.amf or with the sec. on the web site of the sec. ( in both cases without charge. Materials arranged SAP France, which also may is, by SAP AG and for free at the web site of the juice ( are received, and die materials, die through Business to be arranged, turns may reached for free at the web site Business of the articles ( Shareholders and other investors are pushed to read carefully all tender offer materials before the meeting of all possible decisions with respect to the offers.

Questions and requests for die may support are referred to information the means, Georgeson Inc.. (199 more Water, 26. Street Stock, New York, New York 10038-3650; North America delivery Free number: (866) 574-4069; Exterior north America Collect: (212) 440-9800; European delivery Free number: 00800 6570 6570) or the dealer manager, German Bank collateral Inc.. (60 Wall, New York, New York 10005 Street; Call delivery Free: (877) 221-7676). Requests for additional copies may United States of the offer documents and more other the materials are referred to information the means and are supplied immediately at the expenses JUICE of France. They may also approach United States her mediator, dealer, commercial bank, trust company or other candidates for die support regarding are more offer. JUICE France does not pay or no other person (more other no fees or commissions than information representatives and the dealer managers) for offering the tenders of collateral in accordance with that United States to mediator or a dealer more Offer.

Die publication or die distribution of this, die press may releases, is subject to the legal or regulating restrictions in certain countries Die press release not at individuals subject to such restrictions, either directly or is indirectly addressed. The receipt this press of the release does not determine more offer in the countries, in which a tender more offer or more offer invalid from collateral would be.

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In die customers in learning more interests over juice products: Global customer center: +49,180 534-34-24 United only States: 1 (800) 872-1SAP (1-800-872-1727)

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To more information only press: Shabana Khan +1,650 email 461-1332 contact PST Christoph Liedtke JUICE +49 6227 email 7-50383 contact CET JUICE Press Office +49 (6227) 7-46315 CET +1 (610) 661-3200 EST email contact Sabrina Guttman Business articles +1,408,953 6326 email contact PST Philippe Laguerre Business articles email +33 (1) 41 25 38 15 contact CET to more information, only financial analyst: Stefan Gruber JUICE +49 (6227) email 7-44872 contact CET Martin Cohen JUICE +1 (212) 653-9619 email contact EST John Ederer Business articles +1,408,953 6064 email contact PST Edouard let-letting let-leaving Business articles email +33 (1) 41 25 24 33 contact CET


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